"Beasts of Satan" - The Movie that will shock the world
The story
We've uncovered a horrible true story about a young Satanic sect in Italy, intertwined with extreme metal music, a group of friends that went too far...way too far!
This sect "Beasts of Satan" committed numerous heinous ritual murders and engaged in other depraved acts. As tension in the sect grew, some members worried that others might inform the police, so they took action.
They buried one friend alive, forced people to put fire on themselves, shot the band's drummer, hanged one classmate in school and more. This went totally out of control and led all the way up to the Vatican, who implemented exorcism trainings for their priests afterwards.
The sect was suspected of 14 more horrible murders, but these could never be proven as there were not enough evidence.
Everyone in the sect was convicted to long sentences but some of them are released today. (We are in contact with one of them).
It is also the story of a father who never gave up searching for his son, who had been murdered by the sect.
Read all about the sect on wikipedia.
The movie
We want to tell this story with as many true details as possible: what we have found during research, listening to interviews with the murderers, etc. It should also have a touch of twisted dark sense of humour.
The feeling should be like "Lords of Chaos" but with a much darker story behind it.
We have a 2 page synopsis ready. If you are interested, contact us and we will send it to you.
Current status
Currently we are working on finalizing the script and are searching for investors and producers to make this exciting movie happen!
Cinematic mood reel
This is a cinematic mood reel for our upcoming movie…
Dream Cast…
We have found the dream cast for our main characters.…
Searching for collaborators!
We are looking for investors/producers/partners to be able to make…